Why I Want to Build a Business Through Music
Why I Want to Build a Business Through Music
I’ve mentioned this in a previous blog, but I want to create a business through music.
As a DTM producer, I know many people might think, “Can you really make money with music?” The truth is, it’s incredibly challenging to earn a living solely from music.
For instance, even if I upload my music to YouTube, people may only listen to about 20 seconds of the chorus. And on streaming services like Spotify, even if someone listens to a track, it’s uncertain if I’ll earn even a single yen from that play.
Even with live performances and a dedicated fan base, the reality is still tough.
On top of that, with the rise of generative AI, we’re now in an era where AI can easily create music. As a creator, I sometimes feel conflicted about how to approach this new reality, as it seems like a contradiction to make music using AI while trying to build a business as a musician.
This might make it seem like building a business around music is impossible. However, from my personal perspective, I believe it’s still worth pursuing.
It’s Not Just About the Music, It’s About the Artist
Yes, the emergence of generative AI has made the already difficult music industry even tougher.
But I’m not focusing solely on “making money from music.
” Instead, I’m thinking about building a business around myself as an artist.
Take the Beatles, for example. Many people love their music, but they’re also fans of the individual members.
Even if AI could create a Beatles-like song, it’s unlikely people would become fans of that AI-generated music in the same way.
People tend to become interested in an artist, not just because of the music, but because they connect with the artist’s personality, message, and identity.
Music is just one part of an artist’s identity.
When someone enjoys the music I create, it can also be a gateway for them to become interested in me as an individual.
That’s why I want to not only produce music but also share my thoughts and messages through platforms like social media and blogs
(which is exactly what I’m doing here).
My Goal: Building a Community Through Music
What I aim to do is become an influencer through music and build a community around it.
I’ll continue to share my experiences and insights in future blog posts, and I hope they will be helpful for anyone reading.